Projects, Exhibits and Consultations
Projects, Exhibits and Consultations
American Air Power Museum Consulting (Pro Bono)
Arkansas Oil and Brine Museum Long Range Master Plan
Arkansas Woodlands Heritage Center Legislation
Bell County Museum Archaeology Exhibit
Bosque County Museum Consulting (Pro Bono)
CAF Air Power Museum MAP and Long Range Plan
Centennial of Baylor University in Waco Exhibition
Center for the Legal History of Texas Long Range Master Plan (Pro Bono)
Center for the Study of the First Americans Consulting and Exhibition Proposal
Coronado Quivira Museum MAP and Long Range Planning
Denton County Museums Consulting
Desert Soliloquy Traveling Exhibition resulting in the creation of the Mescalero Sands National Outstanding Natural Area
Dr Pepper Museum and Free Enterprise Institute Long Range Master Plan and Strategic Planning
Ducks Unlimited National Headquarters, Memphis, TN Major Exhibition
Gladys City Boomtown Museum Long Range Master Plan for the Spindletop Centennial
Goodnight Barn Long Range Master Plan and Exhibits and Site Plan (Pro Bono)
Hinsdale County Historical Society and Museum emergency disaster planning
Historic Petroleum Stock Certificates Exhibition
History of the Davidians, Branch Davidians and Koreshians Exhibition for the City of Waco, Texas
Jal, NM Museum Long Range Master Plan (Pro Bono)
Lea County Cowboy Hall of Fame Long Range Master Plan
Lea County Museum Long Range Master Plan
Llano Estacado and Queracho Plains Nature Trails
Louisiana Forestry Museum Long Range Master Plan
Louisiana Oil and Gas Museum Design Development
Museum of the Gulf Coast Long Range Master Plan
National Oil Field Workers Memorial Proposal
Navajo Nation Consultation (Pro Bono)
San Angelo Cultural District Plan
Sanderson Mammoth Site excavation
Scurry County Museum Exhibits Plan
Sesquicentennial of Baylor University Exhibition
Southeastern New Mexico Archaeological Research/Resource Center
Southeastern Wildlife Exposition, Charleston, SC Major Exhibition
Texas Memorial Museum Expansion Plan
The 100 Year Ranches of Lea County Research, History and Exhibit
The Devil's Hatband: Barbed Wire and Its Impact on the West Traveling Exhibit
The Horn Rock Shelter Exhibit Plan (Pro Bono)
The Art and Photography of Russ Hill Exhibit
Trinidad State Junior College Regional Cultural and Natural History Museum Long Range Master Plan
United Daughters of the Confederacy Museum Long Range Planning and Collections Management (Pro Bono)
Waco Mammoth Site - Congressional NPS Testimony and Long Range Master Plan
Western Heritage Museum Long Range Master Plan
Plus many other MAP and accreditation visits and numerous consultations and exhibitions for a variety of institutions

Left to Right: Calvin, Wilton Lanning, President Emeritus, Jack McKinney, former Director and Glen Houston on the 25 anniversary of the 501(c)3 incorporation of the Dr Pepper Museum and Free Enterprise Institute
Calvin at the Bosque County Museum sharing with his students the importance of the Horn Rock Shelter discovery by Mr. Al Redder of the two 10,000 year old Paleo Indians
Calvin and Patsy Jackson, Co-chairs of the Southeastern New Mexico Cattle Drive of the Century, 100 Longhorns, 100 miles from Jal to Carlsbad during the New Mexico Statehood Centennial in 2012